July 11, 2023 HCM Consulting Support, HCM Support, HCM System Support, HCM Technology

Common Pain Points Companies Solve by Implementing New HCM Software

From recruitment and onboarding all the way to retirement, a well-maintained HCM system can help companies manage and retain their most important asset–their human capital! Below, our team of expert HCM implementation consultants point out some common pain points employers experience and how a successful HCM implementation can give you the tools and insight to overcome them.

Disorganized Recruitment and Onboarding

No one gets a second chance to make a first impression, and yet many employees and employers report that their hiring processes are disorganized. Missing that key opportunity to impress can sow seeds of concern in a potential employee or new hire. For companies still using separate systems to cobble together a full recruitment/onboarding/learning/performance management structure, it can be a real challenge to offer a seamless, connected experience that fills an employee with confidence.

For HR and Payroll, it can be difficult and time-consuming to keep track of multiple systems that each have a role to play. One way to solve this is by transitioning to one comprehensive, properly configured HCM system that provides all the modules your company needs now and will grow into over time. When implemented with the unique needs of your organization in mind, the resulting streamlined experience can generate optimized recruitment and onboarding processes that automatically guide employees through system access, training, and any role-specific agreements they need to get started. 

Making that positive first impression with a streamlined, secure recruiting and onboarding experience should help your employees feel confident that they will have all the tools they need to succeed in their role in one central, easy to access system. Making this one change effectively can lead to happier, more engaged, and more productive employees.

Low Employee Satisfaction and Retention Rates

While turnover may have decreased from the peak of the Great Resignation, employees are still choosing to leave jobs and companies they no longer feel connected to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 4 million people quit their jobs in October 2022. While you can’t avoid turnover entirely, the implementation of a good HCM system can support retention with analytics dashboards and reports available to HR managers so they have insight into performance and connectivity trends and concerns.

Many companies struggle with keeping a bead on remote and hybrid workers and taking action to address dissatisfaction before it’s too late. Having the ability to track when an employee becomes a flight risk creates an opportunity to engage in discovery around what is causing unrest before they turn in their letter of resignation. 

This proactive approach can reveal issues within the corporate culture that need attention, and ultimately generate opportunities to increase morale and engagement. But the tool that creates the opportunity for insight needs to be primed to track the right information. A modern HCM system provides management features that can help shed light on questions such as: 

Do you have employees who feel undervalued in their field of expertise or in comparison to their coworkers? 

Are there employees who do not understand the full value of their compensation package and are not using all of the benefits available to them, such as a matched 401K or eligible healthcare benefits? 

What are the best ways to help remote employees who are overwhelmed or feeling disconnected?

Do employees at every level feel they have career growth opportunities?

A good HCM system provides features that can measure employee sentiment and satisfaction, and reporting capability that can reveal critical insights to help guide organizational policy, culture, goals and direction. 

Poor Performance Management

Wouldn’t it be great if employees could better understand what they need to do to succeed in their role? An optimized HCM system can set a company up for retaining their highest performing employees and help workers that need a small push in the right direction. By providing performance profiles, automated performance reviews, and even tracking employee skills and certifications, you can help ensure your top talent has the opportunity to develop the tools they need to succeed.

Do HCM Implementation Right

Companies often underestimate the amount of pre-planning analysis, plus actual time and effort once the implementation begins, that successful HCM implementation requires. While it’s nice to think that it’s as easy as flipping on a button and following the directions, the truth is that implementation can be a much longer, complicated process. Organizational leaders/teams that have invested the time and effort necessary for optimal HCM implementation will tell you that getting results that best serve your employees and support achievement of company goals is worth the investment in expert 3rd party help. At Wise, our consultants are experienced experts who hold software-specific as well as industry certifications. You can read some of our reviews here.

Wise implementation support specialists examine your organizational requirements and guide optimization of your HCM system to maximize return on investment. We have helped thousands of companies successfully implement new HCM software and we know how to help you generate the value that a properly configured HCM system can deliver to your organization. Talk to a Wise consultant about how your new HCM system can become a true game changer: call 800-654-4550 or email HCMHelp@WiseConsulting.com to get in touch with a member of our team.

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Wise Consulting Associates, LLC, is a wholly owned independent operating subsidiary of RSM US LLP. Wise provides system and operations expertise in human capital management, workforce management and payroll management technology and compliance.

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