National Lutheran Communities & Services

“When our payroll manager left…it was really important to us to make sure we continued to provide excellent service to employees. Having the contract with Wise allowed us to do that. If we had not had that back-up support, it would have been a significant challenge for us to continue to provide our employees with the uninterrupted service they expect.”

– Donna Casner, Vice President of Finance,
National Lutheran Communities and Services

Read Their Story

When Donna Casner stepped into the role of Vice President of Finance at National Lutheran Communities & Services, the organization’s payroll staffing was in major transition. A long-term employee had left suddenly, and the replacement hadn’t worked out.

Wise Consulting had helped National Lutheran with the implementation of their new HCM system, so were able to step in when the payroll needed urgent attention. “[Our Wise consultant] was familiar with our organization so she really didn’t miss a beat. She jumped right in and I don’t believe our employees saw any issues throughout that transition at all.” Wise also provided training for the new employee National Lutheran brought on to take over the payroll process.

Donna reached out to Wise again when she realized there were general ledger (GL) issues that needed attention.
“When I saw that we had issues with how things were posting to the GL, I didn’t know how to fix it.” Wise worked with Donna to make certain she received the training to feel confident in managing the general ledger.

“Before I had worked with [Wise], looking at the system set-up was Greek to me because I didn’t understand how everything was connected and how it worked. [Wise] gave me an overview, what I needed to be looking at to make sure everything flowed correctly. I can’t imagine not having Wise as a business partner. It just makes sense.”

  • NLCS is a not-for-profit ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church serving people of all beliefs
  • Founded in 1890
  • Over 643 Employees
  • Non-Profit Retirement & Health Services for Seniors

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