March 11, 2020 HCM Support, HCM System Support, HCM Technology

What is Social HR and its Functionalities?

The question is no longer, “Does your organization have a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter?”

In 2020, if your company is not on social media, you’re considered inaccessible. The questions now are, “How effective is your social media presence at attracting and retaining valuable employees, building your brand, and racking up shares, likes & comments?” And, “what form of company-internal social media do you offer employees?”

Social Media for HR

Possibly the most obvious value of Social HR is the ability to reach and interact with potential employees. But what’s better than making company information, open jobs and applications highly accessible? It’s having current employees actively sharing posts and links about open jobs on their personal social media platforms. Kind of like gold, it gives instant credibility to viewers that employees are happy in their jobs. There are plenty of ways to incentivize employees to share posts and job openings, but the very best one is to build a positive corporate culture where employees are authentically happy.

Hidden Social HR

Installing an HCM system that offers social media-integrated recruiting is a no-brainer. But another way in which some companies are achieving improved employee engagement and satisfaction is by creating and managing internal social media streams accessible only to current employees. An internal social media platform that allows HR to communicate important goals, events, milestones and improvements to help keep employees feeling informed, engaged and able to easily interact and share ideas with people across the organization is an asset. Also, posting links to, or videos of, training and learning opportunities can boost the skill sets of your employees and keep them up-to-date on industry changes or requirements.

HR Social Media Policy

It is essential for HR to develop a specific social media policy and update it as lessons are learned and new social media platforms are adopted. Some companies fear that allowing employees access to any form of social media on the job encourages time-waste and inappropriate interactions. While there is always a risk that an employee will misuse social media on the job, a clearly communicated policy can help manage and, if needed, be useful in re-instructing or offboarding non-compliant employees.

Social HR Benefits

Encouraging employees to interact with official external company social platforms can pay dividends. There is just no way to get better exposure to your social media content than through shares from your employees to their vast networks of followers. Building a corporate culture that encourages pride in accomplishment, expertise and, not surprisingly, a positive corporate culture, shows when employees are willing to present that information to their networks. It adds to the “what’s good for my company is good for me” mentality that most organizations would love employees to embrace. Receiving “free” credibility and advertising while at the same time building employee confidence and engagement is priceless.

Making the Most of Social HR with Wise Consulting

Employees use Facebook, but more primarily LinkedIn, to network professionally and share expertise while happily employed. But they also reach out and look for opportunities there when they are ready to move on. It’s not uncommon for people to recall seeing the shares and glowing reports from someone in their network who promotes their companies’ posts and either look for open jobs or refer other people to check out what might be available at that company.

Social media is becoming more and more prevalent in all aspects of our lives. Businesses that understand how to use it to engage employees and recruit talent have an advantage in today’s competitive landscape.

If you’d like information about how to fully optimize your HCM system’s social media recruitment capability, contact a Wise consultant today.


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