August 25, 2021 Continuous Improvement

Interfaces, Add-On Modules, Implementation: What are Hot Topics in the Realm of HCM?

HCM is a dynamic, ever-evolving field and so is the software that facilitates its growth and innovation. Frequent system upgrades from third-party vendors, coupled with seasonal payroll responsibilities and industry trends, can make it feel as though your platform is never quite optimized. While it’s true that our niche is fast-paced, the consultants at Wise are here to keep your payroll staff informed and your HCM system on the cutting-edge. Our experts have knowledge of shortcuts, insider tips, and the top trends in what’s new and what’s now for Q4 of 2021. 


Get in the Interfaces Queue!


Open enrollment is a big undertaking: if you wait until late fall rolls around to start, there’s no doubt that you’ll be feeling the heat come holiday season. 


Starting interfaces early gets you in the queue and ensures your employees will have time to make any necessary changes to their benefits. Just take it from Brian Waldrop, MSCIS and Technical Consultant with Wise Consulting. “Many people put off doing their interfaces until the last minute and then find that there are wait times to get the interfaces built,” Brian explains, “Backlogs are a real thing. When you start early, you jump the line.”


Because of the significant queue backlogs that can pile up, we typically recommend starting your open enrollment interfaces in the summertime. Unless you have serious time traveling skills that we don’t know about, the time for getting in early has passed. But, not to worry! Beginning this process as soon as possible will grant you enough time to ensure a smooth employee experience. 


For next year, remember that open enrollment is a big undertaking and should be tackled early. If you wait until late fall rolls around to start, there’s no doubt that you’ll be feeling the heat come holiday season. Our open enrollment specialists want you to know this in plenty of time to plan for success in 2022. To learn more about interfaces, click here.


Consider Your Selection of Add-On Modules


You primarily use your current HCM to process payroll, centralize your human resource management, oversee workforce and company planning, track employee time, and the like. While these core modules are essential for managing the day-to-day operations of your business, there are add-on modules available that can further optimize your system and help you leverage every feature of your platform. It is possible that some of them are already available in the product you purchased and just need to be properly implemented.


Some add-on modules, depending on your vendor, cover:

  • Performance Analytics
  • Recruitment
  • Payroll Solutions
  • Benefits
  • Workforce Management
  • Training
  • Employee Self-Service


Our advice? If you haven’t fully primed your HRIS, you’re missing out on imperative functionality that may just be the missing piece to your day-to-day frustrations or lack of insight into why trends are occurring.


Don’t stay in the dark—leverage modules for a transparent look into the data and, most importantly, what the data means.


Go Live in 2022


We’re not saying that salvaging a system is impossible, but sometimes, implementing a new system is the appropriate decision for your business. This is especially true if you’re continuing to lean on outdated payroll processes, such as manual pen-and-paper methods, to manage your HR responsibilities. At this point, the sentiment in the HR world is clear: automated processes won’t just give you a leg up in the payroll processing world, it’s actually a necessity to streamline your workflow, avoid human error, and save valuable work hours for other important things. 


Whether or not you’re using manual or automated processes, if your system isn’t primed for success, neither is your business. With so many cutting-edge HCM software vendors on the market today, it’s worth your time to explore your options and eradicate inefficiencies that are causing weekly or even daily frustration. Our implementation specialists are experts at assessing how organizations can successfully implement new HCM software that will address their unique needs and goals. From initial analysis and planning to “GO LIVE,” our consultants are there every step of the way as a skilled extension of your team to ensure project success.


HCM Questions? Leave it to the Experts


HCM system optimization is a complex topic, and it’s only one of the many chapters in the book of HR that you have to master. That’s why we suggest you outsource these processes by working with an experienced consultant who has been in your shoes and understands what is at stake. 


Interested in learning more about what’s new and relevant in the realm of HCM? Give us a call and start a conversation: 800-654-4550

a man looking up the paycheck protection program on his computer

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Because Wise is 100% employee-owned, our consultants are professionally invested in your success. We make time to understand each client’s methodology and goals, aligning our strategy and sharing best practices to assure optimal results.

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At Wise, the practitioner experience and hands-on knowledge our consultants have in specialized fields means we can offer high-quality support services across the Human Capital Management and Payroll spectrum.