June 7, 2022 Flexible Managed Payroll, Managed Payroll, Payroll Continuity, Payroll Support

Support Business Continuity By Securing Temporary Payroll Support In Advance

Since hardworking employees are the backbone of any successful business, issues with paychecks spell big trouble. Payroll issues can tip one into the next like dominos; even the most minor mistake in processing or scheduling payroll can quickly snowball into severe employee mistrust, low morale, high turnover rate, and even legal matters. 


At Wise, we believe payroll accuracy, security and compliance are crucial to business continuity and employee satisfaction. In our line of work, we are fortunate to be a source of reliable information to HR and payroll teams across the country about how they can improve processes, stay informed about new payroll regulations and better prepare for the unexpected. One of the best practice tips we share is elementary but often overlooked: anticipate the ways in which payroll might be interrupted and make a continuity plan (or series of plans!) that will hold up under fire. Below, the payroll support professionals at Wise share tips for maintaining payroll continuity no matter what life throws your way.


Circumstances That Lead to Payroll Errors


There are a multitude of factors that go into running accurate, secure, compliant payroll. As the most fundamental agreement made between employer and employee–that they get paid in an accurate and timely manner in exchange for their time and labor–it is crucial to avoid any changes in staffing or the payroll process that could jeopardize this agreement. But through no one’s fault, this can be surprisingly more difficult than it sounds.


Abrupt Payroll Staff Leave, Termination or Emergencies 

You can never predict when your payroll staff will be out of the office. Sure, there may be some foresight into scheduled vacation time and holidays, but what happens when your key payroll processor gets sick or has to take emergency leave? What if they abruptly quit or if cause arises for termination? 


It is crucial to have an emergency backup plan in place to pay your employees no matter what. This can take the form of thoroughly documenting processes and cross-training staff to be able to step in at a moment’s notice, or, particularly for leaner teams, engaging a reliable, certified third-party payroll team to seamlessly take the payroll wheel in case of emergency.


Inadequately Trained Backups or Replacements

If your payroll processor leaves, do you have a team member who is properly trained and ready to assume payroll responsibilities accurately? An all-too-common practice that leads to payroll errors is designating an inexperienced–or unqualified–employee as payroll backup when the primary person in charge is unavailable. 


The replacement payroll processor is now in a difficult position. This might not be their primary area of focus within the company, and they can’t just drop all of their existing responsibilities to manage payroll. While having an unqualified backup team member is better than letting payroll fail, there is an increased risk of misclassifying employees, miscalculating pay, missing payroll deadlines and making payroll benefit deduction errors if they are not fully trained and payroll-certified. 


Plan Ahead to Ensure A Smooth Transition to Payroll Support


Whether you are planning ahead for a scheduled coverage need–such as vacation or maternity leave–or you simply wish to be ready for anything, advanced planning is key. Protecting payroll continuity does not have to mean limiting opportunities for staff to take PTO or hiring additional staff to back up your team–it can be as easy as setting up a contract to secure quality help whenever you need it, no matter the circumstances. The payroll support team and business continuity and emergency planning professionals at Wise Consulting specialize in protecting payroll for companies of all sizes across industries.


Think of our temporary and emergency payroll support services as an insurance policy that can be triggered to seamlessly continue your payroll process when you need it, for as long as you need it. Like health insurance or business insurance, we’re on standby in case of emergencies–including serious events that you can’t foresee, such as abrupt employee leave.


Prepare For Success–Secure Temporary Payroll Support with Wise Consulting


Like Anita Kulik, CPP and Payroll Consulting Manager at Wise says, our Payroll Services Team “identifies inefficiencies and creates efficiencies.” Our experienced, certified payroll professionals can step in to seamlessly run payroll, create accurate documentation, and streamline your current processes. With decades of both client-side and consultant-side experience, we truly have seen it all before. Our U.S. and Canada-certified payroll consultants at Wise Consulting are experienced in most HCM software systems and support our clients’ short and long-term payroll needs to make sure employees get paid accurately, securely, and on time.


Interested in learning more about the benefits of temporary payroll support? Contact us today: call 800-654-4550 or email us at HCMHelp@WiseConsulting.com.

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At Wise, the practitioner experience and hands-on knowledge our consultants have in specialized fields means we can offer high-quality support services across the Human Capital Management and Payroll spectrum.