April 22, 2020 Coronavirus, HCM Consulting Support, Payroll & Tax Support

Prepare for Fluctuating Garnishments

How is the Pandemic Affecting Garnishments?

While the COVID-19 pandemic has placed a temporary hold on federally-funded student loans, at some point these wage garnishments, and the necessity of processing them, will resume. Additionally, with courts currently not in session, many standard proceedings that result in orders have ceased. When it’s business as usual, the overflow of backlogged cases will likely flood the court’s administrative systems. The items that are in process now may be arriving to closed doors, as stay at home orders are requiring mailrooms to remain unattended, or reductions in force may equate to no HR or Payroll personnel to receive and process. Given that employers may be held liable for employee debt if they fail to comply with wage garnishment regulations, this is not an area where companies can afford to fall short.

Increased Garnishment Workload: Are You Prepared?

Knowing the workload of garnishments will increase when isolation measures loosen, and courts resume full schedules means preparation is in order. Does your organization have staffing in place that can handle increased wage garnishment administration? Have you fully documented your plan for handling this situation? What is your strategy for tracking revised orders against refunds processed? With all the unknowns, a strong understanding of wage garnishment administration will be critical for navigating compliance this year.

Get Garnishment-Ready

If, for any reason, your organization is not prepared to uphold wage garnishment administration now or when pandemic restrictions let up, reaching out for support now will be a timely move. Our industry payroll professionals at Wise Consulting can help.  Experienced in full-support garnishment and wage attachment administration, within one pay cycle, we can securely implement your garnishments from initial receipt including agency, creditor and employee communications as well as liaising with third-party payment services. Please reach out to discuss how we can assist.

Prepare for Fluctuating Garnishments

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At Wise, the practitioner experience and hands-on knowledge our consultants have in specialized fields means we can offer high-quality support services across the Human Capital Management and Payroll spectrum.