June 9, 2020 Coronavirus, Flexible Managed Payroll, Managed Payroll, Managed Payroll Support

Flexible Managed Payroll – Getting Help Without Breaking the Budget

While outsourcing an entire payroll process to experts works for many companies, what about when all you need is help with reporting, mass imports, garnishments, taxes or another payroll function? Particularly this year, with the various pandemic-response Acts, changes to forms and the vastly increased need for tracking, auditing and reconciliation, many companies are in the position of just needing an assist with the new and extra work.

Targeted Payroll Support

Cory Makle, FPC, a Client Payroll Specialist with Wise Consulting affirms that many clients want targeted support. “We get many requests for all support areas, including garnishments, mass importing and reporting, which is a big one. Building reports and mass importing can be intimidating for a lot of clients, especially a larger company making massive changes or looking to capture reporting needs for their business purpose. We also get a lot of requests for quarterly and annual audits and reconciliations, which many clients want an assist with. Our flexibility comes into play here because we have the capability and expertise to adapt to the client’s needs and help with one or two pieces of the payroll process when the whole payroll process isn’t required.”

Experienced Payroll Help

Makle is grateful that the work he does for different clients allows him to trouble-shoot with a wide variety of experience. His observations give him unique insight into the tasks clients tend to struggle with most. “Taxes can also be confusing and complex. Ideally, if you handle them on a biweekly basis, then you can cut down what you are handling on the quarterly and annual basis because you are identifying errors as they occur. Some people wait till quarter end to reconcile, potentially making it a much bigger job.”

Team Payroll Expertise

Michelle Douglas, also a Client Payroll Specialist, remembers how hard it was to do everything in isolation before coming to Wise. She says one of the things she loves most about being a Wise consultant is having access to a team with wide expertise and dedication to keeping clients informed of new developments because it increases her ability to support clients with the specific help they want. “My client can reach out to me for what they need and feel empowered to handle everything else. It’s great teamwork and collaboration. I would recommend it to anyone, especially now.”

We Understand Payroll Pain

Douglas says it is extra rewarding to provide targeted help because she knows first-hand what her clients are facing. “Every single one of us [at Wise] have been in their shoes, so we know exactly what they are going through and how to handle things. We feel their joy but we also feel their pain, because we’ve been there and done it. A lot of companies think payroll just magically happens; they don’t understand how much work truly goes into it. HR and payroll people make it look easy and no one sees all the hours of work that goes on before others come in or after hours, and the research that happens behind the scenes.” The payroll system doesn’t do the work all on its own. People are driving the process and adapting to all the current changes; expert support can be the boost needed to achieve success.

Flexibility is Key

Wise payroll professionals are able to support clients no matter what system they are on, flexing the type and amount of help to suit the situation. “The entire team here is very flexible and just wants to support the clients the very best that we can,” says Douglas. “That’s what managed payroll should be all about, and I don’t think most managed payroll companies do that.”

Wise consultants are available to speak with you about providing flexible payroll support. Give us a call at 800-654-4550 or email HCMHelp@WiseConsulting.com.

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At Wise, the practitioner experience and hands-on knowledge our consultants have in specialized fields means we can offer high-quality support services across the Human Capital Management and Payroll spectrum.