September 8, 2022 Managed Payroll, Managed Payroll Support, Payroll

3 Tips for Protecting Payroll Continuity

All employees deserve to be paid accurately and on time, every time. However, sometimes unforeseen events can threaten to interrupt payroll or cause mistakes in issuing pay. Whether the person in charge of payroll has a medical emergency or a natural disaster strikes the day payroll is typically processed, we’ve got three tips below to help your business avoid a break in payroll continuity.

Don’t wait until emergency strikes:

The worst thing you can do is to wait until an emergency situation arises to come up with a solution. Thinking about ways to dodge a worst-case scenario such as documenting your payroll process and assigning staff as emergency back-up or engaging qualified payroll professionals to provide seamless coverage when needed will pay off when disaster strikes as well as provide peace of mind. Proactively creating a solid Plan B to support your payroll needs will ensure your company is set up for successful payroll continuity.

Give payroll staff the gift of guilt-free PTO: 

If there is one thing that is notoriously difficult and guilt-provoking in the life of a payroll professional it is taking time off. Yet, even payroll professionals need to – and have the right to –  take time off. Having a plan in place ahead of time for accurate, reliable coverage when payroll staff take time off, planned or unplanned, boosts job satisfaction and assures payroll continuity in one stroke.

Leverage the expertise of certified payroll professionals you trust to protect your payroll process:

Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the support of experienced professionals whose main goal is to ensure payroll continuity. Call the payroll team at Wise. Protecting your payroll is our business!

Work with a Wise Consultant to Ensure Payroll Continuity

Eager to learn more about how Wise Consulting fits into your payroll continuity planning? At Wise Consulting, we have a team of seasoned, certified payroll professionals who routinely provide accurate, seamless, and compliant payroll coverage for businesses of all sizes, across industries. Our consultants are ready to protect your payroll by providing support when you need us. Wise has you covered. Contact us today at 1-800-654-4550.


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Because Wise is 100% employee-owned, our consultants are professionally invested in your success. We make time to understand each client’s methodology and goals, aligning our strategy and sharing best practices to assure optimal results.

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At Wise, the practitioner experience and hands-on knowledge our consultants have in specialized fields means we can offer high-quality support services across the Human Capital Management and Payroll spectrum.